Lake Zurich Flames Youth Football And Cheerleading
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Spring Cheer Information

Competition Only
If your athlete is interested in trying an ICA CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION TEAM without too much time commitment but LOTS of Cheer skills, stunts and FUN then the Spring Season is their perfect choice.  This Season is all about building upon Cheer skills, learning new skills and of course trying new stunts and pyramids. Spring is a shortened season packed with all the cheer basics; motions, jumps, stunts, pyramids, dance routines, choreography and tumbling.  Spring is for new and seasoned cheerleaders.  It's the best way to learn new skills, work on defining  and mainting current skills and making new friends. 

Dates the season will begin the week of January 6th and will  run through April 12th.

Enrollment for Spring Season is open for athletes currently in Grades 1st-8th.  Teams are capped due to limited practice space so register quickly
Team breakdowns will be based on enrollment NOT specifically by grade level.  
If we do not have enough grade levels for a team or a coach we will have to cancel that team. 
Your registration is not complete until you have a confirmed team placement. 

Registration fees are $600 per athlete and cover all cheer competitions, choreography, rental space, practice shirts and all bows. Your fees are due at or before the first practice beginning the week of January 6th. Unfortunetly there are no scholarships for the Spring Season.   Please note that when you register it will say WAIT LISTED.  That is just until we create teams.  There may be a chance you are permanetly wait listed- we will keep you up to date and informed as quickly as possible.

Uniforms if you have a current LZ FLames Competition uniform, great!  If not you may purchase a new one for roughly $260.00 Sometimes there are uniforms to rent from another cheerleader but you will have to find that on your own through our FB Uniform exchange group: LZ Flames Cheer Uniform Exchange.  Our new, incoming 2nd-3rd grade team may rent a uniform for non refundable fee of $80.00

Cheer Shoes for competition cheer are at your own cost.  You will need one pair for practices and competitions that are never to be worn outside.  Cost for shoes are between $50-$100

Coaches are a vital part of our program! We appreciate and value them so much.  Please consider taking on a coaching role.  We have plenty of seasoned coaches to guide you and your child will be thrilled to have you as a part of their team! We cannot have teams without coaches and a couple of our seasoned coaches are taking the Spring off.  They will be around to help occassionally so you will have help-no worries! You don't need cheer experience to coach- just patience and the ability to count out 5-6-7-8!! Coaching is time consuming but the bond it creates with your child and their team is immeasurable.  If you have any interest or questions about coaching please email the head of cheer, Christina Goo


Attendance is MANDATORY. If you cannot make choreography please do not sign up for a team.  We need ALL athletes present in order to create a successful routine.  We use a professional paid choreographer and her time is precious.  Please be on time and ready to work.  

FLASH: Grades 1st-2nd
January 11h 8am-12pm
January 26th 12:30-4:30
February 2nd 8am-11am
1 hour left for cleanup 
BLAZE: Grades 3rd-5th
January 11th 12:30-4:30
January 19th 8am-12pm
February 2nd 11am-2pm
1 hour for clean up 


Saturdays at Spencer Loomis in Hawthorn Woods 
Flash:  9:00-10:30
Flare: 9:30-11:00
Blaze: 10:00-11:30
Inferno 10:30-12:00

Weekdays at Spencer Loomis in Hawthorn Woods beginning January 7th
Days and times to be determined by Coaches
We will practice twice a week sometime between 6:30-8:30 Monday through Thursday.
We will update the website with team days as we finalize them with coaches.


March 9th Cheer Shenanigans
March 15th Spring Training
April 12th Cheer Madness
There is not a State competition for this Season.  However there is a bracket style all day competition at the end of the season for the Region ICA Champion; Cheer Madness.